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Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 (RC) Released
Microsoft have release Internet Explorer v9 (release candidate) which is now available for download. There
Userdata History Type in Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer 8+ user data persistence is a function which allows online forms to save
Internet Explorer INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO Structure
The Internet Explorer INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO Structure (Figure 1) is used by the Microsoft Windows API and contains
NetAnalysis v1.52 – USB Dongle, Google Chrome Support and Export/Rebuild Entire Cache Option
Digital Detective is pleased to announce the release of NetAnalysis v1.52 (and HstEx v3.6). The
HstEx v3.6 Released – Now with USB Dongle Option and Safari Binary Plist Recovery
HstEx v3.6 adds a number of new features and fixes some minor bugs. One of
Forensic Analysis of Microsoft Internet Explorer Disk Cache
The Internet Explorer disk cache is a storage folder for temporary Internet files that are
What are Internet Explorer Daily/Weekly INDEX.DAT Files?
Microsoft Internet Explorer maintains a number of INDEX.DAT files to record visits to web sites
Understanding Microsoft Internet Explorer Cache
The Internet Explorer disk cache is a storage folder for temporary Internet files that are
Bookmarking Evidence with Digital Detective’s NetAnalysis
Once you have loaded your browser history and cache data into NetAnalysis, you will begin